Experiences & things to do

A working estate, Ashburnham is the perfect place to experience all-things tea…


But away from the tea fields and factories enjoy waterfalls, glorious High Teas, guided hikes and uninterrupted downhill bike rides.


Waterfall tour

We're fortunate to boast one large waterfall on the estate and several other cascades and plunge pools, all lovely little hideaways at which to cool off, lay back and chill out.

An afternoon is happily spent, meandering tea trails and old estate steps rambling from one to the next.

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High Tea and picnics

The estate and those around it make ideal picnicking territory.

Try a (very) High Tea on top of One Tree Hill (pictured) or head the other way and request Sunset Drinks at the Cascade Pool.

To pair lunch with a (reasonably) wild swim we'll set up a Sri Lankan fire-cooked picnic at the Plunge Pool.

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Tour the Tea Fields with Mr Dassanayake

Ashburnham is a working tea estate of some 100 acres and so, with tea a perennial crop, our pickers are in the fields almost every day.

For a full understanding of the planting and picking process few are better versed than Mr Dassanayake, our estate manager for the last quarter of a century.

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Guided walks and hikes

Climbing up and beyond Ashburnham Estate, you reach more beautiful tea estates in territory entirely untouched by recent development.

We've planned out a number of half-day and whole-day hikes that take you through those estates and into the unique Cloud Forest beyond.

Our guides will provide the commentary for a beautiful, fascinating day's trekking.

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A nostalgic afternoon on the court

Grab one of our wooden rackets and head to the tennis court. Request a jug of Pimms No. 1 to sustain you if the sun gets a little strong.

The court may offer the occasional eccentric bounce but for a slightly mismatched pair an imperfect surface proves a great leveler!

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